Maira Gatti, PhD

Dr. Maira Gatti is currently GenAI Tech Lead in the biggest holding of universities in Brazil, called YDUQS. Former Research Staff Member, has co-founded the IBM Research Brazil, the Brazilian Lab of IBM T.J. Watson Jr. Research Center. She successfully technically led and coordinated top R&D projects in the Deep Learning/Machine area for more than 15 years. She pioneered on the establishment of the Conversational Systems area in Brazil before ChatGPT. That resulted in national and international publications, patents, and system demonstrations, for instance, at IJCAI’2019, and the premier league organization “HUMAINE (HUman Multi-Agent Immersive NEgotiation Competition) 2020” at IJCAI’2020, which happened in 2021 due to Covid. All the R&D Cloud-based Machine Learning solutions that she has led had international and national publications in top AI Conferences, like AAAI and IJCAI, patents, and business results. Maira is a member of ACM, AAAI, and ACS. Maira holds Ph.D. (2009) in Science - Informatics, and M.Sc. (2006) in Informatics from PUC-Rio, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Her Ph.D. entitled Engineering of Self-Organizing Emergent Multi-Agent Systems: A Design Method and Architecture contains a novel method that was implemented using Monte-Carlo Simulation, a Planner and Reinforcement Learning. While her M.Sc. work entitled Dependability of Law-Governed Open Multi-Agent Systems had a novel method to replicate law-mediated agents. Maira has 70 published scientific papers and 30 US Patents in AI.
Professional CV: